Never write a song in the afternoon
Never write a song once you’ve eaten your lunch
Never write a song when the day is ¾ gone
Never write a song once you’ve been beaten to the punch
Never write a song when you’re riding on a train
Never write a song when you’re driving your car
Never write a song when you’re waiting for your flight
Never write a song with the door ajar
But if the song comes to you, write it down
No matter where or when it might be
They find their way to you in the least likely moments
So accept them as gifts, graciously.
Never write a song when you’ve knocked off for the day
Never write a song on the road
Never write a song once you’ve kicked your legs up
Never write a song when you carry a load
Never write a song as you tremble before G-d
Never write a song when you’re confused
Never write a song when you’ve wrapped up for the night
Never write a song in high-heeled shoes
But if the song …
Never write a song on the midnight ride
Never write a song when you’re in the pink
Never write a song when you’re cluttered up
Never write a song when you can’t think
Never write a song when your neighbors jabber
Never write a song when your SO talks
Never write a song when your guard is up
Never write a song when your resolve balks
But if the song …
But I only give you a list of sorts
Where it never seems to work for me
The bottom line is
You can write where you damn well please.
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

One of my crop of songs-about-songs from the early 2000s. No music (yet); never recorded or performed.