Like overhead wires after a tornado
Like spaghetti tangled without cheese or tomato
Like yarn balled up after the cat got in it
Like traffic backed up this very minute
Like thoughts jumbled with no clear resolution
Like finances neglected beyond any solution
Like weeds grown over the remains of a lawn
Like a maze or puzzle very badly drawn
Like mismatched threads of faulty logic
Like following convoluted topics
Like reasoning behind top level decisions
Like half-asleep stories or melodies or visions
Like effects on airlines or commuter trains
Like their terminals or stations after two drops of rain
Like a teenage excuse to a teacher or parent
Like a credit report after a year of missed payments
I’m snarled
Messed up, mashed up, twisted, and gnarled
Muddied, marshed, mucked, mired, and marled
Kennied, kerried, kimmied, and carled
Haggled, bedraggled, snaggled, and snarled
Snarled in my loss for words
Snarled seeing stars and birds
Snarled searching for a tune
Snarled seeking to strike a boon
Snarled searching for some direction
Snarled staring at my reflection
Snarled when following through on things
Snarled until the fat lady sings
Snarled in the effort to find a voice
Snarled in making a rational choice
Snarled in love, snarled in romance
Snarled in my shirt, snarled in my pants
Frustrated, stymied, and snarled
Kadachas, kibosh, and snarled
Hexed, vexed, belexed, and snarled
I’m snarled, snarled, snarled, I’m snarled!
©2024 The Hesh Inc.

More a diatribe than a song, this lyric dates back to the time I had just begun commuting to my new job in New York City from my home at the Jersey Shore. A less elegant expression of being tangled up, whether in blue or anything else. Never recorded or performed.