our ‘cousins’ call our independence a catastrophe
they say it’s the day their suffering began
well, let’s examine how this situation came to be
then maybe the truth will finally make a stand.
we started returning home from our long exile
to the land from where we were banished long ago
but our cousins had been living here
for thirteen or so hundred years
since their desert wind began to blow.
we told them “friends, we are here to live in peace with you
we have no desire to uproot you from where you live
we have so much to learn from you and share with you
much knowledge and respect we have to give.”
but instead of reaching out their hands
and agreeing to live on the land
together as neighbors in perfect faith and trust
they called us a cancer at their core
they massed their armies and declared war
we couldn’t just sit by with their weapons aimed at us.
their rabble rousers ranted on the radio
“leave your homes while we finish up the fight”
their fiery fanatics fanned up a flaming panic
and thousands upon thousands took to flight.
these masses were locked up in filthy camps
and were kept there by their own as political pawns
but the enmity against us was indelibly stamped
three generations of pure hatred were spawned.
these people should have been absorbed
into their flesh and blood’s 22 other states
to the cities and the villages
given rights and privileges
in a manner similar to our own refugees’ fates.
but instead of reaching out their hands
and agreeing to live on the land
as the prosperous center of the middle east
they refused to cure their sores
they continued to make war
calling us the obstacles to peace.
and now they demand the nations’ sympathies
tweaking the liberal conscience with images and catchwords
turning the picture around
– black is white, up is down –
until the whole story is represented backwards.
and the nations, they are all too willing
to swallow it whole while ignoring its glaring flaws
the distortion’s down to a science
it’s an unholy alliance
because only to oppose us does one support that cause.
the thing that’s really puzzling and painful
is how we too have fallen for their line
always beating our breasts
we seem to do that best
though few of them would give our views the time.
‘cause instead of reaching out their hands
and agreeing to live on the land
to the very idea of us among them, they object
the very fact that they mark this date
not June 67, but May 48
means that we’re something they never will accept.
and the most stupid thing of all
a judgment any sane person can call
is that this entire situation could have been avoided
with a little bit of vision and compromise
they could have been part of this enterprise
but instead they chose to try and destroy it.
if they wouldn’t have heeded the rash inciting
if they’d have stayed home instead of fleeing or fighting
they wouldn’t have called this disaster upon themselves
but if they don’t understand that they fought and lost
and if they don’t move ahead and soak up the cost
then let them take their ‘catastrophe’ straight to hell.
©2024 The Hesh Inc.

I have no sympathy, no empathy whatsoever for the Arabs calling themselves 'palestinians' and their crocodile tears over their self-imposed 'catastrophe.' The 'catastrophe' they commemorate is their failure to drive the Jews into the sea on May 14, 1948. Prior to that, refugees were not an issue; had they accepted the UN Partition Plan of November 29, 1947, they, too, would have had a state, with a proper government instead of two terrorist organizations representing and oppressing them. They rejected the two-state solution then; why would they agree to it now??
Worse than that, though, are those "Jews" who get all soft-hearted toward those who would gladly kill them. This phenomenon gets worse, year after year. These Jews need to be taught to stand up for their own people first and only—and those who brainwash them into favoring the enemy should be removed from any positions of influence.