There’s something about this place
Some hidden force without a face
Something beyond touch or smell or taste
That keeps drawing me in
Cheap hotels and fleabag dives
Derelicts and wasted lives
It’s the northeastern beach town funky vibes
Crawling under my skin
But it’s more than that, it’s a kind of spirit
Between the wave breaks, you can hear it
Like an otherworldly revealed lyric
Or a ghostly tune
But all these descriptions are all in vain
‘Cause it’s something I can’t see or name
But it stirs my soul and sets it aflame
On this 29th of June.
It’s a brilliant morning and I’m bathed in its light
My past is to my left, my present to my right
The future is all but hidden from sight
Though I strain to see
The old habits are hard to lose
So I indulge, and deal with the blues
‘Cause I haven’t yet found a way to diffuse
All my fantasies
One day this’ll all make sense
I’ll bring the past into the present tense
And maybe the future can commence
It’s gonna happen soon
But in the meantime I’ve got this day
To thread my way down the Rockaways
In search of something worthwhile to say
On this 29th of June.
The planes coast in on their way
To Newark or to JFK
Their long journeys from far away
Are about to end
And I sit alone facing the beach
Grasping for something I can’t reach
How can I learn what it will not teach
I cannot comprehend
I try to pull the higher from the mundanity
The meaningful from the inanity
But it’s only testing my sanity
And I’m not immune
From these bouts of panic or depression
Or endless mulling or introspection
And so I hope I get an answer to my question
On this 29th of June.
©2024 The Hesh Inc.

It was either June 29, 2001 or June 29, 2006, or possibly both dates, that I made my way from the Jersey Shore up to the Rockaways to try to get out of my immediate surroundings, view my home from across the bay and therefore at an objective distance, and figure out what the hell was going on in my life. As of June 29, 2020, when I originally posted this blog, I was cooped up in my apartment in North Jersey, getting to the beach only in my dreams ... I'd pretty much figured out what was going on in my life, but instead I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on in the whole damn world (and I still am). One day, hopefully soon, we'll have it all figured out, preferably while sitting at our beach (or other favored landscape/environment) of choice.
No music yet, but that may be remedied in the near future.