Judaism lamaism
rabbinism mosaism
hebraism protestantism
yankeeism hasidism
zionism communism
arabism capitalism
papalism moralism
racialism socialism
pluralism loyalism
royalism cynicism
paganism satanism
feminism darwinism
classicism mysticism
occultism philosophism
rationalism nationalism
liberalism conservatism
democratism republicanism
epicureanism catholicism
asceticism agnosticism
patriotism atheism
progressivism imperialism
conventionalism universalism
americanism mohammedanism
Archaism commercialism
vandalism conformism
feudalism fatalism
pessimism cretinism
egotism barbarism
plagiarism nihilism
dogmatism despotism
puritanism fanaticism
Foolism stupidism
tipishism yutzmachism
shverheitism shpinkism
pishachsism scheisism
upheavalism restlessism
cataclysm doomsdayism
eulogism anachronism
Abolitionism Ismism
Pre-Emptivism Disasterism
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

This was written in 1987 as I sat in the sentry booth of my military base north of Jerusalem late one night, or rather early one morning, pondering the state of the world and all the political and religious "ISMs" that people held so close to their hearts that they would kill and die for them. It would be easy for me to make a blanket statement and say that ANY "ism" worth killing or dying for is NOT worth killing and dying for, but I don't believe it is exactly like that; I believe that any "ism" that is carried so far as to make one feel as if they have to kill or die for is not an "ism" worth holding on to. TOO MUCH of any of these and they become lethal.
Let this stand as a strong word of caution in these incendiary days of partisan tribalism, economic uncertainty, judicial reform in Israel, and rising international tensions. G-d help us all.