11:00 on the boardwalk
It’s a sin to be inside
I came down here to clear my head
And to see what ideas may come
It’s long past the time for talk
Long past time to skulk or hide
It’s time to come out and be led
By the beat of my different drum.
This week slipped through my fingers
In pursuit of a couple of bucks
I could’ve done things with much more meaning
But somehow they didn’t get done
And the feeling of regret just lingers
Lament over lack of good luck
I need to follow the direction in which I’m leaning
And bring my thoughts out into the sun.
There’s a world waiting to be conquered
Dominated and ruled
If only these dreams see the light of day
And plans put into place
But it won’t happen as long as I’m hunkered
Clinging stubbornly like a mule
To old habits whose purposes have long faded away
But still put my energies to waste.
11:00 on the boardwalk
A beautiful summer morning
Burn away the darkness
That still won’t leave my soul
I don’t need any more talk
Or clichés about new days dawning
But these days are slow and startless
And it’s really gotten old.
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

This one dates back to the late 1990s, when I used to live in Ocean Grove, NJ. It was a nice and easy walk from my townhouse at the western edge of Wesley lake all the way to the boardwalk, and I would often take that walk to clear my head and do my morning writing. In these days of self-quarantining and social distancing, not to mention living in high-and-dry North Jersey, I would love nothing more than to be able to go down to the boardwalk on a sunny summer morning and do my writing there. Never performed or recorded.