Angel in the shape of inspiration
Bless me with the words I seek
Cause the mighty river to flow, the dam to let go
Let me find the voice with which to speak.
Angel in the shape of inspiration
Bless me with the image that I crave
It’s taking far too long to complete this song
Let me ride it to the shore like a wave.
Angel in the shape of inspiration
Bless me with the strength to move ahead
Cause me to advance out of this 12-year trance
Free me from this useless fear and dread.
Angel in the shape of inspiration
Bless me with that message from on high
Those words I need for this endeavor to succeed
So this work can take wing and fly.
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

Less of a song and more of an invocation, something an artist would recite or chant before beginning to work, especially when returning to his or her medium of choice after being blocked or otherwise prevented from creating for a long time. Unsure of how to proceed, it is good to call upon a higher power or a guardian spirit before jumping back into things. Many an artist coach, including Julia Cameron and Steven Pressfield, encourages this.
Written in the early 2000s when I was trying to get my album Soul In Exile 2: Jersey Shore Baby jump-started. Recording eventually started in 2002.