End of the season and the melancholy won’t leave me
A thousand little bitternesses grip and seize me
The day is beautiful but I can’t bring myself to care
I am here but I’m not at all there.
I’m fully dressed when I’d rather be in shorts
Long pants and buttoned shirts don’t do well in these resorts
Anxious and restless and unsatisfied
The aftermath of getting off the wild ride.
When will this cycle end?
Drugs don’t work, talk does little more
What excites me at other times is right now a bore
This isn’t like me, it’s like something took over
As if overrun by a runaway bulldozer.
When will this cycle end?
What will it take for me to shake it
I wish I was happier but I can’t even fake it
Not everything’s bad, but the bad just feels stronger
I won’t be able to bear this much longer.
When will this cycle end?
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

I have a hard time when the summer beach season in the northeastern US ends. It's all too brief to begin with, and weekends are subject to the whims of the weather. When it's rainy or stormy, it literally puts a damper on any plans to go to the beach. Although, for those fortunate enough to live near the beach, it doesn't matter all that much. When I lived near the beach, I would go out in any type of weather. But when the stores close, the crowds go home, and the lifeguard towers are stowed away in the city yards till next season, that's when it all hits me.
Written in the early 2000s when I did in fact live near the shore. No music yet.