How will I begin this song
In the deep blue night that is falling?
I will sit here and begin this song
Even though I long ago lost my calling
How will I continue this song
In the bold orange light that is rising?
I will sit here and continue this song
Though I lost my knack for synthesizing
I call on the Spirit to give me a hand
‘Cause I know I can’t do this alone
I’ve long been a stranger wandering this land
And these ramblings have got to find a home
They say this trip’s been taken before
And everything’s already been said, that’s true
Camped and commercialized till it’s nothing but a bore
This so-called scene is anything but new
Well this isn’t the trash that passes for cute
This here’s the real, vicious thing
And even if I’m going down a well-traveled route
In the end it’s my song that I will sing
I’ve been sitting in obscurity watching others steal my sounds
They didn’t even know they were doing it
But now I’m gonna stake my claim and not give ground
I won’t just sit and stew and brew in it
This is the life that I want to live
Even if it’s an impossible dream
This is my life and I want to live
My dream ...
There’s nothing original to say anymore
Everything’s tried and true
This singing about singing, and writing about writing
and music about music just will not do!
So give me some rock’n’roll
Some medication for the soul
Some kind of cosmic glue to hold
Disjointed thoughts together
Where are all the musicians
Where is the recognition
Where is the ignition
To propel me to forever
Where are all the people who are supposed to be my friends
The allies who should be in the band
When will the long night of exile end
When will we be led to our promised land
Where is the life that I want to live
The more I want it, the more it slips away
But I keep on wanting it and chasing it down
Anyway ...
How should I complete this song
When the path ahead is long, dark, and winding?
I will sit here and complete this song
Even if the gears of progression are grinding
The absence of the spiritual
Leaves only ritual
And any residual
Emotions fall between the cracks
This isolation
It leads to frustration
Which leads to desperation
Which leads to no turning back
Tonight’s the night the move will be made
Tonight the vision will be received
Tonight will be the end of the silly charade
Tonight I will learn how to proceed
I’ll be catapulted into a faster life
Rocketed ahead to the fore
It’ll be so hard to imagine I once had the life
That I labored and struggled through before
I will live the life that I want to live
Even if it gets a late start
I will live the life I know to be true
In my heart ...
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

Everybody goes through a phase where they wish that things in their life could be better. This song is me not just wishing for it, but declaring it to the world.
These lyrics are set to music that I had written and jammed on during my time living in Philadelphia. Nothing ever became of that tune until I moved back to the Jersey Shore, to Ocean Grove, in 1997, which is where I wrote the lyrics. Unfortunately for my songwriting, that was just about the time I chose to become involved in the cover band scene, which benefited me in many ways but didn't give me the chance to play any of my originals. And so this got left by the wayside.