I’m on the other side
At last, at long last, I’m entitled to a life
I’m on the other side
No more pain, no more stress, no more strife
I’m on the other side
No more traffic, no more drive
I’m on the other side
It feels so good, so good to be alive!
I’m on the other side
There may still be work to be done
I’m on the other side
Now I can feel like I can have some fun
The curtain has finally lifted
The veil removed from before my eyes
A bright future has been generously gifted
I’m on the other, on the other, I’m on the other side
I’m on the other, on the other, I’m on the other side
I’m on the other side
Out of the darkness and into the light
I’m on the other side
Out of reclusiveness and into plain sight
I’m on the other side
So hard to imagine what it was like before
I’m on the other side
Now that I’ve come through the open door
I cry out in joy and exultation
I shout out to the heavens and sing praise to the skies
I call out in triumph and jubilation
I’m on the other, on the other, I’m on the other side
I’m on the other, on the other, I’m on the other side
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

This song was a blast of exultation written from a NJ Transit train as it approached the entrance to the North Bergen entrance to the Hudson River tunnel on my way into the city in the summer of 2007. I had just started a new [day] job as an editor, a far cry from the limo-driving wage slave I had been for close to 2 years leading up to that. I don't need to go into detail about how horrendous the limo-driver life was (I have plenty of songs about that) but let's just say that my sense of relief at no longer having to work at that job was boundless.
The song remains purely a lyric ... no tune has been put to it yet, and it hasn't been played.