Fiddling and diddling while the country burns and rots
The same old leopards run the show and they can’t change their spots
The few line their pockets and keep the many down
You wonder just how much they can suck out of our cities and towns
We can’t let these fools keep calling the shots
They don’t listen to our screams
They don’t care about our shouts
Let’s put our muscle where our mouth is
and leave ‘em with no doubt
Some direct action to let ‘em know what we’re about
Kick ‘em out, kick ‘em out, kick the bums out!
It’s been the same old bull for decades now
Tammany Hall’s got nothing on these clowns
The surrounding towns prosper while this place remains a dump
Ask the big shots why and they’ll act all stumped
We gotta set these guys loose no matter how
So let’s kick ‘em in the shins
Hit ‘em in the snout
Knock ‘em upside the head in a one-round bout
Let’s turn their silly victories into a complete rout
Kick ‘em out, kick ‘em out, kick the bums out!
This silly soap opera called politics
Is just old dogs up to their tired old tricks
It all looks new and different but it’s really all the same
It’s about time for new attitudes, faces, and names
‘Cause this business-as-usual has made us all sick
Well we ain’t just gonna whimper
We ain’t just gonna pout
We’re gonna hiss and howl, and holler and shout
Let’s give ‘em a slap, a sting, a clout
Kick ‘em out, kick ‘em out, kick the bums out!
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

I wrote this more about politics at the local level, after seeing a corrupt city council get away with murder one too many times. I actually performed it twice, once on a local radio show and again at a coffee house not far from city hall. At least one councilman heard it and from that point forward would not even look in my direction (and yes, he knew exactly who I was). The original title was "bastards," not "bums" ... I can just imagine how well that would have gone over!
Change a few words and the song's scope rises up to the national level. I posted this song on July 5, 2016, because of the FBI's refusal to indict Hillary Clinton even after it demonstrated enough reason to warrant indictment. I don't usually write political songs, and I certainly don't write about specific political figures. But I am so disgusted by the corruption at the highest levels in this country and the enabling thereof.
And let's not even talk about everything that has happened in Washington since July 2016 ...