All my friends are in the joint
And I’m the only one of the old gang out on the street
All them good dudes passed the breaking point
And I’m the only one still on my feet
Walking alone through the center of town
Those goddamn blues are complete
The long arm snatched my pals into hell
And I’m out here on the streets alone
It’s four a.m. and all is not well
And there’s nothing waiting for me back home
I guess I’ll keep walking till my feet swell
Till I get used to being on my own
My life is so deep in the garbage
Stinks to high hell, I wanna scream
I got those goddamn blues
I don’t go out, I just can’t stand the scene
I need the western wall to bang my head on
Pray for my friends so they’ll be free
I’m over the brink
It’s good I don’t drink
Otherwise you could just hook up the vodka
To an IV
My life is in the garbage
I got those goddamn blues
©2025 The Hesh Inc.

While I was doing my army service, there was a time when two of my closest friends, who were serving elsewhere in the service, had been prosecuted by courts-martial for various undisclosable offenses. When I would get off base, usually on Thursday evenings, I'd go into downtown Jerusalem to meet my assorted friends and hang out for awhile, and these two, usually among the larger-than-life personalities on the scene, were conspicuous by their absence. I wrote a blues song about it and played it to the four walls on my piano at home, but I never performed it ... not even for these friends, once they got out of the brig.